How do I log into ArcGIS Online?

​​ArcGIS Online Users who created accounts prior to January 18th, 2021

NOTE:  Do not click the NinerNET login button, if you do a new account will be created for you and you will not have access to old data.

  1. Go to the ArcGIS Online login page
  2. Click on ArcGIS login not the NinerNET login button
    ArcGIS Login
  3. Use the same username and password you've been using for ArcGIS Online and click Sign In
    Non NinerNET login

New ArcGIS Online Users whose 1st login is after January 18th, 2021 

  1. Go to the ArcGIS Online login page
  2. Click on NinerNET Login
    NinerNET login
  3. You will see our normal Single Sign On login page and can use your current NinerNET credentials to log in. If you do not yet have an account, this process will create a new account for you and apply all relevant licenses.