What are the default settings for room resources in Google Calendar?


  1. Room resource calendars have a few configuration options that are not available to personal calendars.
    room resource calendars by default will auto accept invitations that do not conflict
  2. Room resources can:
        a.  Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict - this only accepts invites when there is no conflict with a
             previous request.
        b.  Automatically add all invitations to this calendar - if this setting is chosen, conflicts can happen.
        c.  Do not show invitations doesn't work for room resources.
  3. By default, all room resources will be configured to Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict.
  4. Room resource permissions will also be migrated.
  5. The management of the room will be given to the person who has the highest level of permission for the room resource.
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Article ID: 101
Fri 9/1/23 1:47 PM
Wed 9/13/23 10:55 AM