How do I use Google Chat?


  • In Chat you can send a direct message to individuals or groups.
  • Direct messages are private conversations between you and other people. 
  • You can create and send direct messages; edit conversations; create, add, and remove people from a room. To learn how click here.
Browser - within Gmail Browser - Chat App Mobile

Click the Start a conversation button (+ button)
Chat Start a conversation


Click the Chat icon in Google Apps

Chat from Google Apps grid

Download and open the Google Chat app on your mobile device

Chat on mobile screen - Get Started

Type in the name of who you want to chat with or create a Group message or Room

Chat in Gmail

Type in the name of who you want to chat with or create a Group message or Room

Chat interface

Tap Get Started and either select an existing account or add a new account

Chat account select



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Article ID: 104
Fri 9/1/23 2:02 PM
Thu 2/15/24 11:22 PM