How do I add external (non-UNCC) members to my Google Group?


  1. Only Google group managers or the Office of OneIT administrators can add members to a Google group. These instructions are for Group Managers:
  2. Log into from a web browser
  3. In the top right corner, click on the grid icon
    grid icon
  4. Click on Groups icon
  5. Click on the name of the group you want to manage
  6. On the left side, click My membership settings
    my membership settings
  7. Click on Members
  8. Google group managers or the Office of OneIT administrators can add external members using the instructions in this FAQ


You will only be allowed to add 10 external members at a time. For adding hundreds or thousands of external members, contact the IT Service Desk, 704-687-5500, to submit a request for the Google Administrators to do bulk Adds or Removes.

If adding members yourself, you will have to send a Welcome Message when adding external recipients. If you would like to add members without sending this message, please contact the IT Service Desk, 704-687-5500, to request Google Administrators add these members.