How do I approve a request to add external training to an employee’s transcript?

Employees can submit a request within the Learning & Development Portal to add external training (e.g. conference, seminar, college degree, etc.) to their transcript. When they do, the manager of record will receive an email from as pictured below.

Follow the steps listed below to review and approve the request.

  1. Click the Learner Home hyperlink within the email to login.
  2. From the Home Page, click the Learning tab and select Manage Employee Learning from the drop-down options displayed.
  3. Click the Manage Pending Requests link as pictured below.

Result: Training Pending Approval will display as pictured below.

Click the link under the Training header to review the request, and: 



You want to approve the request

Select the green checkmark.

You want to deny the request

Select the red x-mark



Result: A comment box will appear as pictured below. Type your reason for approving or denying the request in the comment box and click the Submit button to complete the process.


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Article ID: 1657
Thu 10/19/23 8:59 AM
Thu 1/18/24 12:00 PM