Am I entitled to a gym membership and light rail pass as a Tuition Waiver user?

No. These services and facilities are supported by student fees. The tuition waiver program waives (not pays) tuition and some fees. Since money does not actually changes hands, staff/faculty members who use tuition waiver are not generating income to support student facilities or services such as a gym membership or light rail pass. Use of these and other student facilities and services must be paid for out of pocket. 

What if I pay for classes out of my own pocket?

Staff/Faculty who pay for classes (tuition and fees) ARE entitled to use student facilities or services such as a gym membership or light rail pass.  If you have questions about your student account, contact the Bursar's Office.

What if I want to use the gym?

ALL staff/faculty members, regardless of tuition waiver usage, may take advantage of discount gym membership rates. 


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Article ID: 1716
Thu 10/19/23 9:52 AM
Mon 1/22/24 5:31 PM