How do I modify an EHRA non-faculty position?

There are six stages in the process of creating a new EHRA Staff Position Description as pictured below.


The process begins in NinerTalent with the Hiring Manager or an Initiator acting on the hiring manager’s behalf. Follow the steps below to launch stage one of the process.

  1. Login to NinerTalent with your NinerNet credentials.
  2. Look for User Group in the top right corner of your screen and click the drop-down option to select Initiator as pictured below.          Initiator
  3. Click on the ellipsis in the top left corner of your screen and select Position Management as pictured below.                                  position
  4. Result: The banner at the top of your screen should be orange.
  5. On the orange banner, click the Position Descriptions drop-down and select EHRA Non-Faculty as pictured below.         non-faculty

Result: The position library will be shown in the search results.

  1. Click the orange Modify Position Description button in the top right.
  2. Enter the working title and verify that the Work Unit is correct.
  3. Click Start Position Request and enter the basic details.
  4. Route your action for approval.