The Office of Emergency Management's (OEM) Business Continuity Management has created a website called the University Resiliency Planner (U.R.P.). This website enables department/unit's to create Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) easily. For more information on Business Continuity Planning, visit
Please review the University's policy on emergency events and your organization’s mandatory and non-mandatory staff position designations. Should the University suspend operations, your essential staff will need to understand if they can telework or if they are required to report to campus. In addition, your non-essential staff will need to understand that they should not report to their work location during suspended operations.
Given the fluidity of this situation, we recommend that supervisors also discuss the possibility of telework during suspended operations with non-essential campus staff and student workers. UNC Charlotte encourages supervisors to be flexible and creative in considering temporary telework arrangements so that the work of your department continues.