In the event of a catastrophic weather incident, an outbreak of a serious communicable disease, physical damage, destruction, or unavailability of the worksite due to fire or other condition, or other such significant emergencies, the University's telework policy may be implemented by the University administration on a more widespread basis. In such cases, employees may be required to work from alternate sites off campus (including their homes) in order to meet the operational needs of the University. Such circumstances may include the University’s declaration of Operation Status 2, as set forth in University Policy 701, Campus Operation Status, Including Adverse Weather and Emergency Events.
The chancellor or chancellor’s designee has authority to determine whether special circumstances exist to implement the telework policy on a required and more widespread basis. The decision will be communicated to the entire campus community.
The implementation of this provision would typically occur for no more than thirty (30) days. If the University determines that a special circumstances provision should last longer than thirty (30) days, renewal decisions will be made in increments up to thirty (30) days. This will give both the University and the affected employees with reasonable notice of the duration of this provision. (For example, a Category Three (3) hurricane may require three (3) weeks of teleworking whereas a smallpox pandemic may require a longer period of time.)
In the event of special circumstances as described in this section, employees will not be required to sign teleworking agreements. (Each department will develop and maintain updated rosters of those job duties that are deemed as mandatory and which positions qualify for teleworking under special circumstances. Departments must plan for cross-training and redistribution of “available” employees in order to prepare for contingencies likely to emerge during catastrophic or special situations.)
For more information, links to the Teleworking Request Form, guidance for managers, teleworking condition requirements, please visit University Policy: 101.22 Flexible Work and Telework Arrangements for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty Employees.