How do I create a Turnitin SimCheck assignment in Canvas?

In addition to creating SimCheck assignments for grades, you can create draft assignments for students to check their work.  Do not select the  Index all submissions option for draft assignments.  When students upload their final file into a different SimCheck assignment for a grade, it will not be included in the UNC Charlotte Turnitin library and will not be flagged as plagiarized. Students can check the similarity report and make adjustments before they submit into a different assignment for a final grade.

SimCheck assignments are created by:

  1. In your course, click the Assignments link
    Assignment link
  2. Click Add Assignment. The Create new page is displayed
    Click Add Assignment
  3. In the Assignment Name text box, type the name of your assignment
  4. In the text box, type the assignment directions
  5. In the Points text box, type the highest grade students can receive
  6. In the Assignment Group drop-down list, select the group that the assignment will be a part of
    Assignment Group drop-down list
  7. In the Submission Type drop-down list, select Online

    NOTE:  SimCheck only processes 1 file per submission. If students need to upload more than 1 file, you must create separate assignments for each upload

  8. In the Online Entry Options area, select the type of submission
  9. In the Plagiarism Review drop-down list, select SimCheck. The plagiarism options are displayed
  10. Specify whether or not you want to exclude the Bibliography and Quotes when the report is generated
  11. Specify whether or not you want to save student submission files in the UNC Charlotte Turnitin library

    NOTE:  If this is a draft assignment, do not select this option. When students upload their final file into a different SimCheck assignment for a grade, it will not be included in the UNC Charlotte Turnitin library and will not be flagged as plagiarized

  12. Specify when to display the originality report to students, your choices are Immediately, After the assignment is graded,  After the due date, or Never
    Display settings
  13. Select the due date and the available from dates
  14. Save and publish the assignment

    NOTE:  The following is displayed when students miss the assignment due date and time. You need to reopen the assignment for the student if you want them to submit their work

    Student error

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Article ID: 1783
Mon 10/23/23 9:47 AM
Thu 11/16/23 2:43 PM