How do School of Professional Studies, Professional Development, or Corporate and Custom Training students log into Canvas with a temporary password?

Before reviewing this FAQ, please NOTE the following:

  1. This process is for new students only! If you are a returning School of Professional Studies student and cannot log into Canvas, please contact your Program Director.
  2. For School of Professional Studies, Professional Development, or Corporate and Custom Training students, access the Canvas login page by clicking the blue School of Professional Studies button (Links to:
  3. Bookmark this web address ( as the login page for Canvas for all School of Professional Studies, Professional Development, or Corporate and Custom Training programs. This login page is different from the Canvas login page for academic courses.
  4. Clicking on the automated email you receive from the Canvas system when you are added to a class does not take you to the correct login page. You must log in at
  5. Note that the user name and password you created when you registered for the School of Professional Studies, Professional Development, or Corporate and Custom Training program are not the same as the user name and password you will need to access the Canvas site. You will receive a new username (ex. j-doe) and password (ex. j-doe49ER) for Canvas (see additional details below).

Let's get Logged In! 

  1. Click the blue Access the School of Professional Studies button
  2. In the Login text box, type your user name
  3. In the Password text box, type the temporary password

    NOTE:  Your temporary password is your School of Professional Studies ID with 49ER added to the end. For example, if your ID is c-gordon, the temporary password is c-gordon49ER. The username and password are case sensitive so be sure to enter them as lowercase with only the uppercase 49ER at the end of the password.

  4. Click Log In
    School of Professional Studies Canvas Log In
  5. In the left navigation bar, click the Account icon
    Account Button
  6. In the pop-out menu, click the Settings link
    Settings Link
  7. On the right side of the page, click Edit Settings
    Edit Settings
  8. Select the Change Password check box
    Change Password Check Box
  9. In the Old Password text box, type the current password (Ex. j-doe49ER)
  10. In the New Password text box, type the new password (your choice following password rules below)
  11. In the Confirm Password text box, type the new password again

    Your new password must:

    • be at least eight (8) characters long
    • contain one upper case letter
    • contain one lowercase letter
    • contain one number
    • contain one special character from the following: ! * + - / _
  12. Click Update Settings
    Changing Password and Saving
  13. Use your new password the next time you log into Canvas. Please ensure you are on the School of Professional Studies login page and enter your username and new password