What is the process for recording, editing, and sharing a Canvas Studio video for my class?

When using or creating videos for use in your course, you can follow the steps below to create a video, edit the video and captions, add an in-video quiz (if needed), and then publish and share your video with students in your course

  1. Record or Upload a Video to Canvas Studio
    1. Create a video using Canvas Studio and your webcam
    2. Create a video using Canvas Studio screen capture
  2. Upload Zoom Meeting Recordings to Canvas Studio
    1. Download the zoom meeting to you computer
    2. Upload the recording into Canvas Studio
  3. Edit and Manage Captions in Canvas Studio
    1. Add captions to a video
    2. Upload a caption file
  4. Add Video Quizzes
    1. Use Canvas Studio video quizzing
    2. Add a video quiz in Canvas Studio
    3. Embed a Canvas Studio video quiz in the Canvas Rich Content Editor
    4. Transfer grades to the Canvas gradebook
  5. View Video Analytics
    1. Use the Insights media page in Canvas Studio
    2. View individual student analytics
    3. Download analytics as a CSV file