What's the best way to search for and find emails in Gmail?

Tags gmail


  1. You can conduct a simple search by entering keywords or names into the search bar along the top of your screen
    1. To find email from someone who has both an @uncc.edu and an email alias, see this FAQ.
  2. To conduct a more advanced/specific search, click the down arrow at the far right of the search bar, next to the search button
    1. Click the Search drop down and select where you want to search; You can select a label, unread/read messages, etc.  The All Mail option will search everything except Spam and Trash.  If you want to include everything in your mailbox (Inbox, labels, Spam, Trash, Drafts, etc) you can use the new Mail & Spam & Trash option
      search location
    2. Enter any other desired criteria into the fields available
      1. To search for emails from someone who also has an email alias, enter their full name but DON'T select one of the email suggestions that display underneath.  Simply click outside the From field to continue
      2. If you can't recall who sent a message, you can search for an email from one of X number of people by typing their full names separated by OR (this must be all caps).  For example, in the From field you would enter Norm Niner OR Norma Niner
      3. Calendar invitations and update messages are considered emails with an attachment and will display in search results
      advanced search fields
    3. Click the search button in the bottom left

      TIP: For best results, use 2-3 criteria when searching for an email message. 


For additional information about searching, check out this Google page.

You can learn more about advanced searching and search operators by visiting this Google page. Search operators can be used with the Gmail mobile app, just be sure to use exact syntax when using search operators.