How can instructors remove or uninstall Respondus Exam?

You do not need to uninstall Respondus Exam to upgrade to a new version. However you may uninstall it if desired

  1. Access the Control Panel
    1. Using the Windows menu, access the Control Panel
    2. In the Programs area, click the Uninstall a program link
      Control Panel view
  2. In the Uninstall or change a program dialog box, scroll to view and double-click Respondus x.x Campus-Wide
    Uninstall or change a program
  3. If necessary, click Yes to enable changes
  4. The Respondus InstallShield Wizard automatically starts the uninstall process
  5. When Respondus is uninstalled, the Uninstall Complete dialog box is displayed
  6. Click Finish to complete the uninstall process
    Uninstall wizard
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Article ID: 1919
Mon 10/23/23 11:53 AM
Tue 10/31/23 10:58 AM