How can students install Respondus LockDown Browser on Windows devices - Classic quizzing?

If your instructor has specified the use of Respondus LockDown Browser for a quiz, you need to use it to take the quiz. The LockDown Browser is installed on many of the labs on campus. If you are using your personal computer or a university computer that does not have the LockDown Browser installed, you must install it before being able to take the quiz

NOTE:  If you are employed by UNC Charlotte, you need to authenticate using your phone or tablet via DUO

  1. Access your quiz
    1. Access your Canvas course. If you do not have a quiz that uses Respondus LockDown Browser to take yet, you can  self-enroll in the Training - Test Respondus Canvas course to read information about installing the LockDown Browser and access sample quizzes

      NOTE:  Respondus LockDown Browser does not work on Android, iOS, Kindle, etc.

    2. Click the quiz link (not illustrated)
    3. Click Take the Quiz
      Quiz that Requires RLDB
  2. Prepare to install the Respondus LockDown Browser
    1. On the quiz page, you will see the message  This quiz requires Respondus LockDown Browser on the page
    2. Click the Download Respondus LockDown Browser link. The Respondus LockDown Browser Installation page is displayed
      Download Respondus LockDown Browser link
  3. Download the software
    1. Click Install Now. The installer file will download to your computer
      Install now
  4. Start the installation

    Windows Users:  Save the file to your desktop. Once saved, find the file and double-click on it to start the installation. Skip to step 4d.

    1. Locate the installer and double click it - Click Run
    2. Click LockDown Browser Click to Install
      LockDown Browser install button

    3. Verify that English is selected and click Next
    4. Accept the license agreement and click Next
    5. The installer will run. Click Finish
      InstallShield Wizard Finish
    6. Click Finish and close the Respondus tab
      Finish button 
    7. The LockDown Browser is installed and a shortcut is added to your desktop
      LockDown Browser application