General Information about Respondus LockDown Browser

Respondus LDB is a university approved software.  University administrators do not have any access to any information that might be stored on a students’ personal computer when using Respondus Lockdown Browser.  This software is considered safe for use as it is integrated into Canvas, and requires dual-authentication to access.  Any data is protected by UNCC's secure technology systems as well as by a contractual agreement committing the vendor to protect any and all data that they may collect.  In addition, LDB will be required to complete other assignments throughout the course.  Please visit the Academic Software Center to learn more about software used at UNCC and the Standards and Guidelines page to learn more about the security of your personal data.

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Article ID: 1929
Mon 10/23/23 11:58 AM
Tue 10/31/23 1:22 PM