What types of Generic Accounts are available for Gmail at UNC Charlotte?

Tags gmail

The two types of Generic Accounts are Limited and Full.  

  1. Limited are recommended and Full require additional approvals.
  2. Generic accounts must be a minimum of 9 characters or contain a hyphen/dash; the display name can be the same as the username or a more commonly recognizable name.
Type Benefits How Does It Work? Limitations

Limited Generic Account: (Recommended)


  1. Good for sending and receiving email on behalf of organization
  2. Multiple individuals can have delegated access
  3. Secure
  4. Familiar browser interface, has standard functionality: labels, searching etc.
  1. Organization requests Generic account
  2. OneIT creates the account and sets up delegate access for individual(s)
  3. Delegates DO NOT know the password
  4. Since password is not known, the password does not expire
  5. Delegates see this account in the upper right hand corner of Gmail
  6. Delegates can easily switch from their own account to the Generic Account to view the inbox and send email
  7. Delegate name will be visible when sending email
  8. Departments need to contact OneIT about delegate changes
  1. Email clients (e.g. Outlook, Mac Mail) can't be used
  2. Can't be set up on mobile devices 
  3. Limited to 25 delegates
  4. Can't use Google Labs
  5. Don't have Drive - Google Shared Drive recommended
  6. Can't be used to login directly to a computer

Full Generic Account:
(Not Recommended; Additional Supervisor and OneIT approval required)


  1. Good for sending and receiving email on behalf of organization
  2. Can be used with browser and email client
  3. Appears anonymous
  4. Familiar browser interface, has standard functionality: labels, searching etc.
  1. Organization requests Generic account
  2. Request process identifies individual employee to be the Account Owner
  3. OneIT creates the account and gives Account Owner the password
  4. Full generic accounts are required to set up Duo 2 Factor Authentication
  5. Password is managed by the NinerNET website and will expire every 90 days
  6. Account Owner shares the password with multiple users
  7. Users log into separate browser/separate browser window to check email


Requests for Full Generic Accounts must be approved by Organization Supervisor and OneIT Security before the account is created.

  1. Less secure - can't tell who does what with account
  2. The Account Owner is directly responsible for all activities associated with
    Generic Accounts under their sponsorship; if the account is responsible for a
    data breach or other activity that violates campus policy, the account Owner will be held responsible
  3. Password must abide by the UNC Charlotte Password Policy and expires every 90 days
  4. Account Owner must notify other users when the password is changed or other user's won't be able to log into account
  5. Subject to Google sending limits
  6. This account will exist in other systems e.g. Banner and Active Directory


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Article ID: 208
Tue 9/5/23 1:33 PM
Wed 5/29/24 2:35 PM