What are the University's IT policies?

  1. Use of the University's computing network, including NinerNET Services, is conditional on compliance with the University's Computing Network Policies:
    1. University Policy 302, Web Communications

    2. University Policy 304, Electronic Communication Systems Communication Resources

    3. Standard for Responsible Use, Responsible Use of University Computing and Electronic (formerly Policy 307)

    4. University Policy 311, Information Security

    5. University Policy 601.14, Proprietary Software

    6. Additional University Standards and Guidelines are available on the OneIT website along with a list of security liaisons.

  2. Pursuant to those policies, the University may take any steps necessary to safeguard the integrity of the University's computing and electronic communication resources and to minimize the risks to both those resources and the end users of those resources

  3. Such safeguarding includes monitoring data traffic to detect anomalous network activity, as well as accessing, retrieving, reading, and/or disclosing data communications when there is reasonable cause to suspect a violation of applicable University policy or criminal law, or when monitoring is otherwise required or permitted by law

  4. University Policy 311 provides general guidance on the protection of sensitive University information. OneIT provides additional information and specific details in the associated standards and guidelines