What do I do if a position assigned to a role in PATH is currently vacant?

Tags path

To view the table of Financial Roles, refer to the Organizational Hierarchy, Roles, and Responsibilities section of the Financial Management Guidelines.

  1. A notification message with a blue background will appear at the top of your Dashboard screen if you have any Role Assignments where there has been no position assigned or the position is vacant; as per this example,
    PATH system message for vacant position. message with a blue background.
  2. From the Dashboard, users can also click on the Role Assignments card and then click on the All Assignments button located below the organization filter area to toggle it to Vacant Assignment(s)
    screenshot of the all assignments/vacant assignments toggle button located below the organization filter areascreenshot of the all assignments/vacant assignments toggle button located below the organization filter area set to Vacant Assignments
  3. In most cases, you will keep the position assigned to the role as appropriate. 
    1. When a new employee is hired into the position, PATH will automatically update to reflect the new employee in that position. However, depending on the circumstance, you may add an Interim Assignment or Temporary Assignment until the vacant position is filled. See this FAQ.
    2. The College/Admin Business Officer will receive weekly notifications until the vacant position has been given an Interim Assignment or Temporary Assignment or until the position is filled.
  4. If the position responsible for the duties in the role has changed, you can change the position assigned to the role. See this FAQ.