How do I enter or update Role Assignments in PATH?

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To view the table of Financial Roles, refer to the Organizational Hierarchy, Roles, and Responsibilities section of the Financial Management Guidelines.

NOTE: Business staff members are responsible for entering and maintaining Role Assignments within their organization for any roles in the org hierarchy below their assigned role. For example, a College/Admin Business Officer (Org L3) should enter Role Assignments for applicable Org L4 roles within their Org L3, i.e., Department Heads and Department Business Coordinators.

  1. In go to Dashboard > Role Assignments
  2. Click the Add Assignment button. If updating an existing Role Assignment, find the record you want to update, select the field that needs updating, and select the Save Assignments button. 
  3. Organization: Select your Org, e.g., 10600 - Dining (an Org L5)
  4. Role: Choose the applicable Role for your Org 
  5. Process: Leave Blank. (Process Definitions and Rules will be a part of Phase 2 of PATH)
  6. Fund #: Leave Blank. 
  7. Primary Assignment: Click Search for Assignment. Find the correct position number (either by position number or by the employee's name currently in that position). Click Save.
  8. Click the Save Assignments button.
  9. Complete these steps for any roles in your organization where position changes have occurred.

Primary role assignments and Interim assignments must be permanent employee positions. For more information about interim and temporary assignments, see this FAQ.