How will a former employee know their Form W-2 is available on the ADP Former Employee Portal?

Tags adp w2

Former employees (faculty, staff & student workers) who no longer have an active NinerNET ID will have access to their Form W-2 on the ADP Former Employee Portal

  1. Form W-2s for the most recent tax season will be available by February 1.
  2. Payroll will send an email by January 31 to employees who separated employment with UNC Charlotte in the past year who opted in to receive their Form W-2 electronically and have a personal email address on file. The email will contain instructions for W-2 access for former employees including how to complete registration for ADP Portal access.
  3. Former employees who complete the ADP registration process before February 1 and sign up for ADP notifications will receive an email from ADP when their electronic Form W-2 is available on the ADP Former Employee Portal.