How do I withdraw my consent to receive my Form W-2 electronically?

A withdrawal of consent sent electronically is effective immediately. Withdrawals must be received by December 31 to be effective for the previous tax year. A withdrawal of consent is not valid for Forms W-2 previously issued.

  1. Log into

    Note to students:  Students should select the "Employee" tab at the top of the web page after logging in to My Charlotte since their default page is the "Student" page.

  2. Under the Banner Self Service menu, click on Tax Information 

    screenshot of Banner Self Service menu with Tax Information menu option outlined in red

  3. Select the Taxes section to display tax options in the Employee Dashboard, then select Electronic Regulatory Consent
    screenshot of employee dashboard with taxes and electronic regulatory consent options outlined in red

  4.  Read the information carefully

  5. Uncheck the box "Consent to receive W-2 electronically"

  6. Select the Submit button

  7. A confirmation statement will appear at the top of the page
    screenshot of confirmation statement

Banner Self-Service is the preferred method to revoke your consent to receive your Form W-2 electronically. If you do not have access to a computer with Internet access, please submit a written notice to withdraw your consent using one of the following two options:

  1. Email, OR
  2. Mail via U.S.P.S. to UNC Charlotte, Reese Bldg. 3rd Floor, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Update your non-charlotte mailing address: Make sure your personal (non-charlotte) mailing address and phone number are current in Banner by following these FAQ instructions.

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Article ID: 2335
Fri 11/17/23 2:32 PM
Mon 12/18/23 9:40 AM