What should I do if I haven't received my Form W-2 and need it reissued?

If you haven’t received your Form W-2, it is likely because your address provided to us was incorrect or because you consented to receive your Form W-2 electronically.

  1. Forms W-2 are accessible to all employees online via Banner Self Service anytime after January 31 of each year for the previous tax year. 

    Access your Form W-2: Learn how to access your Form W-2 online, which is the easiest, quickest access method.

  2. If you do not have access to a computer with Internet access and have not received your Form W-2 or need a duplicate copy, you can email a request to the Payroll Department at PayrollDept@charlotte.edu. 

    Additional paper Forms W-2 will be reissued after March 15, which can be picked up at the Payroll Department on campus in Reese Building, 3rd floor, with your UNC Charlotte identification card or another government-issued identification card.