How do I view my W-4 and NC-4 Tax Withholdings?

Employees can view their Form W-4 (Employee's Withholding Certificate) and NC-4 (Employee’s State Withholding Allowance Certificate) anytime through as follows:

  1. Log in to using your NinerNet Username and password
  2. Click the Employee Self Service icon from the Quick Links menu
    screenshot of employee self service quick links menu on homepage
  3. Select 'four square' navigation button at the top left of the Employee Dashboard to open the Banner navigation menu.
    screenshot of Four Square Menu on employee dashboard in employee self service
  4. Click on Banner, then select Employee Information
    screenshot of Banner menu in employee dashboard with Employee Information outlined in red
  5. Select Tax Information
    screenshot of employee information menu in employee dashboard with Tax Information outlined in red
  6. Select the withholding tax form you would like to view from the Tax Information list,  NC-4 Tax Exemptions (NC State Form) or W-4 Tax Exemptions (Federal Form W-4)
    screenshot of tax information menu in employee dashboard with employee withholding menu options outlined in red
  7. Your current withholding selection will be displayed. Select History at the bottom of the screen to view past updates.

 screenshot of NC-4 employee's withholding allowance screen with history option outlined in redHistory

          screenshot of past NC-4 employee's Withholding Allowance updates

          screenshot of Federal Tax detail screen

If an employee does not update their Form W-4 and NC-4 withholding information, their federal and state income tax withholding will default to single status. This election remains in effect unless the employee chooses to update their information. Employees hired on or after Jan. 1, 2020, must fill out the 2020 Form W-4 for federal payroll tax withholding purposes.

 To update your Form W-4 or NC-4 Tax Withholding, please follow the steps in the FAQ: How do I change the withholding on my Form W-4 and NC-4?