How do I change a Web Time Entry (WTE) approver?

Web Time Entry (WTE) approver changes should be submitted in NinerWorks as a supersede action. 

  1. Login to NinerWorks using your NinerNet credentials.  
  2. Navigate to the Manage menu and click Supersede.   screenshot of NinerWorks Manage menu with Supersede option outlined in red
  3. Select the NinerWorks type from the drop down. 

WTE Approver Change can be submitted for a FWS, Non-Student Temp and Student Wage assignment types.  

  1. Search by UNC Charlotte ID or name and select the employee that needs a Web TimeEntry (WTE) approver change. 
  2. Select the specific records from the 'eligible' list by clicking the blue icon under the Type column.
  3. Update the supervisor and include the effective date of the change. 
  4. Add the note "WTE Approver Change" in the Notes section.
  5.  Choose Separation option "Modification".
  6. The Overpay field does not apply to WTE Approver Changes. Leave this field blank. 
  7. Click the Submit for Approval button.  There are no approval requirements for WTE Approver Changes. 

Only assignments initiated through NinerWorks can be superseded. If you need to change the WTE Approver for a FWS, Non-Student Temp, or Student Wage assignment that was submitted in the Banner ePAF system (prior to NinerWorks), it will be necessary to complete the request in the Banner Self Service ePAF system. Follow the steps below:  

You must have Banner ePAF initiator access to submit the WTE approver change request. If you do not have ePAF access, contact your department or college Business Officer and request the ePAF be submitted on your behalf. 

  1. Login to using your NinerNet credentials
  2. Click ePAF (Electronic Personnel Action) in the menu list under the header Banner Self Service and then click New EPAF

    ePAF Link

  3. Enter the ID Number of the Student or Non-Student Temporary that needs a Web Time Entry (WTE) Approver change
  4. Enter the Query Date. This is the effective date of the WTE approver change.  It is necessary to enter two digits for the Month & Day and four digits for the Year, like this: MM/DD/YYYY
  5. Click the down arrow and select the Approval Category: WebTime Entry Approver, WTEAPR. Click GO. 
  6. WTE positions for the employee are displayed. Check the radio button to the right of the position description to select the position. Click Go.
  7. Enter Jobs Effective Date. This is the date the WTE approver change should go into effect. It is necessary to enter two digits for the Month & Day and four digits for the Year (MM/DD/YYYY)
  8. Enter Supervisor ID. Enter the ID Number of the new WTE Approver. 
  9. Tab down to the Routing Queue and click on the magnifying glass on the first row. Choose BANWORX. Click Select and then click Save.  
  10. After clicking Save, you must click Submit.  
  11. It may take several hours for your request to process. When ePAF processing is complete the Transaction Status will show Completed.

     EPAF Transactions

If you need assistance, email