Web Time Entry (WTE) approver changes should be submitted in NinerWorks as a supersede action.
WTE Approver Change can be submitted for a FWS, Non-Student Temp and Student Wage assignment types.
Only assignments initiated through NinerWorks can be superseded. If you need to change the WTE Approver for a FWS, Non-Student Temp, or Student Wage assignment that was submitted in the Banner ePAF system (prior to NinerWorks), it will be necessary to complete the request in the Banner Self Service ePAF system. Follow the steps below:
You must have Banner ePAF initiator access to submit the WTE approver change request. If you do not have ePAF access, contact your department or college Business Officer and request the ePAF be submitted on your behalf.
If you need assistance, email payrolldept@charlotte.edu.