How do I retrieve my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for a university Purchasing Card (P-card)?

Tags p-card
  1. Go to the Bank of America Global Card Access website or download the Global Card Access App from your mobile device app store.
  2. Register - If you have not used this website or app before click on Register now link in the Register a Card box.
    Global Card Access Register a Card screenshot containing the Register now link

    Your Bank of America Works login information will not work on this site.

    1. Enter your full card number when requested.
    2. Enter your nine-digit employee ID number (80#) as your verification code when prompted.
    3. After your card registration is complete you will log in with the credentials you created to retrieve your PIN.
    4. The PIN will flash one digit at a time on the screen. 
  3. Login - If you have already registered your card, log in with the Global Card Access user ID and password you created.
    Global Card Access login screenshot that shows the User Id and Password fields and the Sign in button