Enter your username@charlotte.edu email in the following screen. Do Not use an alias email address. Leave the remember me Checked.
Click Continue. The software should now open a web browser. If you are not already authenticated to Google in that browser it will ask you to log in.
Once logged in or if you were already authenticated in that browser. You may need to click continue or allow or click on your @charlotte.edu account to progress to the authorization page. Eventually it will take you to a list of items that you must authorize the Google Workspace Sync for Outlook to have access to so that the application will work.
Click Accept or Allow.
It should now go back to the app. If it does not you can manually select it in the taskbar. To keep things clean Please Select “Create Profile”
Click Start Microsoft Outlook.
When Outlook Starts, Uncheck the "Open this window..." and close the sync window.
Next, go lower right of the taskbar and click the up arrow to show hidden icons. Right click on the Google Workspace Sync icon. Select Set mailbox size limit.
Select unlimited and Click ok.
You may need to set outlook to always use the Google Workspace Sync profile
If you would like to add delegated @charlotte.edu email accounts (Generic email accounts) follow these instructions.
To setup your signature(s) in Outlook please follow these instructions.