How can I export messages in Gmail using Google Takeout?

See more information at this Google support article.
  1. In order to export email, you will need to have your messages sorted by label or know where the emails are located in your mailbox
    NOTE:  Later in the process, you will select the labels you wish to export - these can be labels you have created for email management or mailbox labels like "Inbox" or "Archive"
  2. When logged into Gmail, click the Google Account button in the upper right corner, then click Manage your Google Account
  3. Click Data & privacy from the list on the left
  4. Scroll down to the Download and delete your data section and click Download your data
    Download or delete your data
  5. At the top of the following screen, click Deselect All
    Click Deselect All
  6. Scroll down to Mail and click the checkbox
    Check Mail checkbox
  7. The All Mail data included button will become enabled - click this button
  8. A pop-up window will appear:
    1. Uncheck the Include all messages in Mail checkbox
      Mail content options
    2. Select any labels you want to export
    3. When done selecting labels, click OK at the bottom of the pop-up window
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the Google Takeout screen and click Next step
  10. On the following page:
    1. Make sure Export once
    2. File type is .zip
    3. File size is 50GB
    4. Click Create export
  11. The screen should display an Export progress and send an email to your inbox
    NOTE:  The receipt of this email can take time depending on the amount of email you are exporting
  12. When the email is received from Google Takeout, click the Download your files button in the email download the file
    NOTE:  You will have one week to download the file
  13. You will be returned to the Google Takeout screen and the file will download automatically
  14. Check your Downloads folder - the zip file will have a file name that begins with “takeout-“ followed by the date and a string of characters
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Article ID: 3893
Tue 5/28/24 2:00 PM
Thu 5/30/24 10:41 AM