Who is responsible for replacing university computers?

  • Computers purchased by the university are used for many different types of activities.
  • Who is responsible for the replacement varies.
  • Divisions and departments should plan to replace their computers in a 4-6 year time frame.
  • Older computers run the risk of being insecure, not able to meet modern security requirements and having performance problems. If an older computer, > 4 years, breaks, the department will be responsible for funding a replacement device.
  • All computers should adhere to the Guideline for Endpoint Security.
  • The table below provides high level guidance on who replaces what when. It may not be comprehensive.

Computer Replacement Responsibility

Type Responsible Unit Replacement Cycle
Computer for full time faculty and staff Division 4 years
Registered controlled teaching lab Division 4 years
Department lab Dept Varies - computers should be no older than 6 years old due to security concerns. If there is a problem, department will be responsible to fund replacement.
Research Lab Faculty/Dept Varies - computers should be no older than 6 years old due to security concerns. If there is a problem, department will be responsible to fund replacement.
Classroom Podium Division 4 years
Meeting Room Dept Varies - computers should be no older than 6 years old due to security concerns. If there is a problem, department will be responsible to fund replacement.
Student Employee workstation Dept Varies - computers should be no older than 6 years old due to security concerns. If there is a problem, department will be responsible to fund replacement.
Grad Student Shared workstation Dept Varies - computers should be no older than 6 years old due to security concerns. If there is a problem, department will be responsible to fund replacement.