How do I add captions to a video file stored in Google Drive?

Note: Captions on video are a form of accessibility and a legally required, individual accommodation. For more on the importance of captioning videos see the Campus Accessibility Captions website.

Google Workspace now includes the ability to automatically caption video files that are in Google Drive. A transcript file can also be used to generate captions.

  1. Upload the video file and corresponding transcript file (if available) to your Google Drive folder
    1. You may choose to add the video to a departmental shared drive folder.
    2. If you plan to share the captioned video publicly, ensure that the video is placed in a Google drive location that is publicly available.
  2. Select the video to caption
  3. Click the More options menu (three dots) in the top right corner
  4. Select Manage caption tracks
    Manage caption tracks in the more menu
  5. Click Add new caption tracks if you have a transcript file
    captions options
    1. Choose a transcript file to insert 
    2. Select the language for the captions and a name for the track
    3. Click Upload 
      transcript upload
  6. Click Generate automatic captions if you do not have a transcript file.
    1. Wait for the captions to be generated
    2. Review captions for accuracy as automatic captioning may not be 100% accurate. 
      1. If you need to edit the captions, you may choose to download the automatic caption file that was generated, make the edits in a text editor, and repeat steps 2-5 using your new edited transcript file.
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Article ID: 4053
Fri 7/26/24 10:50 AM
Fri 7/26/24 11:18 AM