Adding a Cash Advance to a Travel Request


A cash advance (also known as a travel advance) is a pre-approved sum of money given to a traveler to cover anticipated out-of-pocket expenses during a business trip. This advance helps ensure the traveler has the necessary funds for their trip without needing to use personal finances upfront. This process outlines how to request a cash advance in Concur.


Step One: Log into Concur

Log into

Step Two: Create a Travel Request

Create a Travel Request in Concur and add all expected expenses. Do not submit the Request

Step Three: Access Request Details

Select Request Details.

Step Four: Add Cash Advance  

Select Add Cash Advance

Step Five: Review Cash Advance 

The cash advance will be automatically added to the request and will give you the maximum amount allowable.  

Optional: The cash advance box can be clicked which allows the traveler to reduce the total cash advance if desired. 

Step Six: Submit Request

Select Submit Request. The Request will route through the normal workflow and be approved by the travel area of the Disbursements department. Cash advances will not be deposited more than 3 to 5 business days before the travel departure date. 

Frequency and Special Consideration: Cash advances are issued for a specific travel event and a traveler may only receive one Travel Advance from the University at a time. Special consideration will be given to faculty and staff who lead student trips.

Reconcile within 30 days of use: If the travel event occurs and the traveler utilized the entire cash advance, the traveler must submit an Expense Report in Concur within 30 days of the trip end date to reconcile the cash advance in full.

Remit unused funds within 30 days: If the travel event for which the advance has been issued is canceled or the traveler does not utilize the entire cash advance, the traveler must remit the funds back to the University within 30 days. 

  • Employees must send or drop off a check made payable to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to the Bursar’s Office before submitting the Expense Report in Concur. Upon confirmation of receipt, the employee must submit an Expense Report within 30 days of the trip end date to reconcile the portion of the cash advance that was utilized.

Additional Support

If you have questions or need further assistance, please refer to the Concur FAQs and Guidance or submit this request form.

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Article ID: 4083
Wed 8/7/24 9:29 AM
Mon 9/30/24 11:47 AM