Accounting for a Cash Advance


This guide explains how to account for a cash advance when creating an expense report in Concur. By following these steps, you can ensure that the cash advance is properly added to the report, tracked, and offset against your expenses.


Step One: Log in To Concur

  1. Log in to

Step Two: Create an Expense Report 

  1. Create an expense report as you normally would. 

Refer to the Creating a Travel Expense Report guide for detailed instructions. 

Step Three: Add Cash Advance

  1. On the expense report page, select Report Details > Manage Cash Advances. The Cash Advances page appears.

  2. On the Cash Advances page, select the cash advance.

  3. Select Add.

Step Four: View Cash Advance Details

  1. The expenses list shows the remaining total for the cash advance(s) linked to the report in tile format.

  2. The total decreases as expenses that are non-personal and have an out-of-pocket payment type are added.

Step Five: Adjust Report Totals

  1. The cash advance amount offsets the amount that is to be reimbursed to you; the report totals are adjusted accordingly. 

  2. To view the report totals, select Details > Report Totals (under Report). The Report Totals page appears.

Step Six: Distribute Remaining Cash Advance

  1. Distribute the remaining cash advance up to the balance as needed for out-of-pocket expenses.

For more detailed steps on managing a cash advance, refer to the Accounting for a Cash Advance guide.

Additional Support

If you have questions or need further assistance, please refer to the Concur FAQs and Guidance or submit this request form.