How do I submit a request for HR Applications Support?

Human Resources Applications Support includes functional and technical support for Human Resource and Payroll Systems, including Banner HR, NinerTalent, NinerWorks, Learning & Development Portal, Kronos-Leave of Absence and HR Reporting.  

Submit a requst for support by completing the HR Request form in TeamDynamix. 

  1.  Navigate to the Request form:  click here HR Request or naviagate to the Human Resources Applications Support option in the Service Catalog and click Request Service 
  1. Select a request type from the options provided in the list                                                                                                                                            
  2. Enter a short description
  3. Enter a detailed description of your issue, question or support request 
  4. Use the Attachment option to attached items if needed
  5. Click Submit

Your request will be automatically assigned to the OneIT HR Applications Support Team (Financial Systems Support).  You will receive an automated email when your ticket is submitted.  You will also receive emails when your ticket is updated by support staff.  

You may view the status of your ticket by following this FAQ How do I view tickets I have submitted in TeamDynamix?