What is Microsoft 365?

  1. Microsoft 365  provides free Microsoft Office applications to UNC Charlotte students, faculty and staff with active NinerNET accounts. NOTE: Alumni do not have access to this software.
  2. Microsoft 365  includes:
    • Access
    • Excel
    • OneNote
    • Outlook
    • PowerPoint
    • Publisher
    • Word
  3. Microsoft 365 can be accessed by going to office365.charlotte.edu and logging in with your @charlotte.edu credentials. NOTE: Do not use your @uncc.edu credentials, it won't work. You will get an error message that says the @uncc.edu account is blocked. If this happens, open a private/incognito browser window and log in using @charlotte.edu.
  4. All students, all faculty and FT staff can install the Office software on up to five personal computers, and five tablets; PT staff and sponsored guests can use Office 365 online.
  5. To get started, follow the instructions in this FAQ.

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