What are the NinerNET password rules?

Tags ninernet

We recommend that you use a multi-word pass phrase as your password for increased security.

  • For example, the phrase "to be or not to be that is the question" could become the pass phrase 2beor!2beQuest.
  • The words "to" were substituted with the number 2, the word "not" was substituted with an exclamation point, and Q is capitalized. This pass phrase uses lower and upper case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and a special character.
When choosing a pass phrase, make it something meaningful to you, easy for you to remember, and difficult for anyone else to guess.

When setting your password for NinerNET account, the password must conform to these rules:

Minimum length:

14 characters

effective July 10, 2024 required minimum character count increased to 14 characters

Maximum length: 30 characters
Required characters:
  • One lower case alphabetic character
  • One upper case alphabetic character
  • One numeric character
  • One special character !, @, #, $, % ^, & * ( ), - _ = + \ | { } ; : / ? . >
Prohibited characters:
  • Your first name
  • Your preferred first name
  • Your last name
  • Your email address
  • "Pass" or "Word"
Password History: Password cannot contain 8 characters in the same sequence as the previous 8 passwords
Note:   You cannot change your password more than two times in a 24-hour period
             Changing the case (upper/lower) in your password, doesn't constitute a password change
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Article ID: 540
Tue 9/12/23 3:16 PM
Tue 7/9/24 4:19 PM