What technology services are available to emeritus faculty and staff?

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University Policy 102.5 outlines the criteria necessary to be considered for emeritus status.  Upon granting of emeritus status...

  • The following technology services are will continue to be available:
    • A university Google account including email access
    • University Dropbox account if used before retirement.
    • Canvas (access to assigned courses of record)
    • A university identification card (door access to be granted by building coordinators)

      You will need to get a new card after being granted emeritus status.  Contact the 49er Card Office for additional details.
    • Ability to purchase CATS transit and parking pass.
    • Access to software.charlotte.edu
    • Access to Microsoft Office 365 online (log in with @charlotte,edu); access to download Microsoft Office to personal computers upon request.
    • Inclusion in the AllFaculty Google Group for campus communications
  • The following technology services will be discontinued:
    • Access to Departmental network files (S & J drives)
    • Inclusion in the Dept-All-
    • Ability to login to computers in the department location
    • Zoom phone

Contact the IT Service Desk for additional assistance - 704-687-5500 or visit help.charlotte.edu