What's the process for a new staff member, student or guest to get a NinerNET account?

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EHRA Faculty
(12-month, 9-month, Phased Retirement, Part-time)                                  

Follow the Academic Affairs process

See Hiring Checklists and new process An email notification is sent to the personal email account provided by the faculty member after the hiring paperwork has been processed and a hire date is entered into the Banner HR system. Faculty can get pre-employment access as soon as a hire date is entered into the system.
Non-Paid Adjunct Faculty                                      Follow the Academic Affairs process See Hiring Checklists and new process An email notification is sent to the personal email account of the sponsored guest once the request is processed.
EHRA Staff                 

Follow the Human Resources process

See the HR website to complete the 3 forms below:

AA-25 Recommendation for Appointment of EHRA Staff

AA-35 Staff Verification of Credentials for EHRA Staff

PD-7 EPA Payroll/Personnel Action Form

An email notification is sent to the personal email account provided by the staff member after the hiring paperwork has been processed and a job assignment is entered into the Banner HR system. 
SHRA Staff

Follow the Human Resources process

See Steps to Hire a SHRA Employee, after a candidate has been selected, complete the Hiring Proposal in NinerTalent and Criminal Background Check Consent Agreement An email notification is sent to the personal email account provided by the staff member after the hiring paperwork has been processed and a job assignment is entered into the Banner HR system. 
Temporary Staff

Follow the Human Resources process

See Temporary Staff Employment Procedure after HR paperwork is completed and processed An email notification is sent to the personal email account provided by the staff member after the hiring paperwork has been processed and a job assignment is entered into the Banner HR system. 
Sponsored Guest Contact the designated Business Officer or Information Security Liaison in your area How do I request a NinerNET sponsored guest account?  An email notification is sent to the personal email account of the sponsored guest once the sponsored guest request is processed.
Student Account is created following acceptance See admissions process Admissions sends NinerNET information in Admissions packet
Not all access is established immediately. Some systems, like card access and Library access, may be unavailable based on role or additional paperwork required at the employee's start date.

To activate and manage your account, go to https://ninernet.charlotte.edu.