How do I log into eduroam wireless on Windows 10 before logging in?

NOTE:  When on the UNC Charlotte campus, you can enter either your NinerNET username or your full as your eduroam username. Beginning July 14, Eduroam wireless network authentication will only accept credentials and no longer accept credentials
When you are at another institution, you must use your full as your eduroam username
  1. Hit Ctrl-Alt-Del
  2. Click OK
  3. Click the Wifi icon in the bottom-right hand corner.
    Wifi Icon
  4. Click on the eduroam network, check the Connect automatically box and click Connect
    Wifi Menu
  5. Enter your NinerNET credentials (see note above about username or 
    Enter credentials screen
  6. If prompted to verify that you want to connect to eduroam, click Continue.
    Verify eduroam connection screen
  7. Log onto your computer