a. You can uncheck the box next to Make available for UNC Charlotte to not share your calendar with anyone b. You can change the sharing permissions for the UNC Charlotte community and allow people to See all event details by clicking on the drop down arrow next to Make available for UNC Charlotte
7. You can share your calendar with specific people in the Share with specific people section
a. Click Add People
b. Enter the person's name or email address. You can add multiple accounts at one time if they will all receive the same share permissions
c. Under Permission, choose the appropriate level of permission
i. See only free/busy (hide details): only shows that you are busy during that time ii. See all event details: Shows all event details (title, guests,location, etc) iii. Make changes to events: allows them to make changes to events on your calendar iv. Make changes and manage sharing: allows them to make changes to events and change sharing permissions on your calendar
d. Click Send
8. Changes are automatically saved