How can I see what is being shown on my screens in Appspace?

From the channel edit menu, you can see what content is scheduled to your channel and thus showing up on your screen.

  1. Log into Appspace 
  2. Open the Channels menu on the left-hand menu of your screen
    Appspace menu Channels
  3. Select the channel you wish to inspect:
    Channel OneIT displays

    NOTE:  If you encounter a permissions issue regarding channels, please make sure you select your department's location from the dropdown next to the Quick Action menu.  To permanently set your home location to that of your department, please see the How do I set my Home Location in Appspace? article.

  4. In the Edit tab of the screen, you will be able to view what is currently scheduled to play, and you see how it will show up via the Preview tab:
    Channels Edit Tab

Take note of the content sources listed just below the add button:

  • "Direct Allocations" are pieces of content that have been scheduled directly to the channel without being in any folder
  • The next three items are folder names, two of which are from the Common Library. Read more about the Common Library here.
  • You can see which content items come from which folder either by clicking on the name of the folder, or looking just below the name of the content item.
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Article ID: 787
Fri 9/15/23 12:48 PM
Wed 1/10/24 8:28 AM