What settings should I use when setting up Zoom sessions in Canvas?

Tags Zoom
  1. In the left navigation bar, click the Zoom link
  2. Click Schedule a New Meeting 
  3. In the Topic text box, replace the text with what you want to name the meetings. For example, Weekly Class Meeting or Class Meeting - Tuesday
  4. In the Description (Optional) text box, type a short description of the meeting. For example, Weekly lecture for entire class
  5. In the When area, specify the date and time of the session
  6. In the Duration area, specify how long the session will last
  7. Select the Recurring Meeting Required checkbox if you plan to host several sessions at the same time
  8. In the Recurrence drop-down list, select Weekly
  9. In the Repeat every, enter the number of weeks. For example, 1 means the Zoom meeting
    will be scheduled for every week, 2 designates biweekly, etc. 
  10. In the Occurs on area, select the day of the week you will meet
  11. In the End date area, enter the date of the last meeting
  12. Keep the Resignation setting deselected
  13. In the Security area
           a. Keep the default Passcode option selected
           b. Select the Only authenticated users can join meetings option and
                in the drop-down select UNC Charlotte Users only 

  14. Set the Video and Audio options you want
  15. In the Meeting options area,:
    a. Keep the default Enable join before host option deselected
    b. Decide if you want to enable the Mute participants upon entry option
    c. Decide if you want to pre-assign breakout rooms

    d. Select the Record Meeting Automatically option
  16. Click Save