- There are 2 types of Google Groups
a. Normal - groups created by request, membership maintained manually
b. Dynamic - membership maintained by Banner data
i. dynamic groups are available for all departments
ii. A few large dynamic groups are also available for use by key people to send to all faculty, staff or students
2. A Google Group contains members that share a common interest e.g. classmates, project teams, or study groups
a. Emails can be sent to a Google Group
b. Google Drive files or Shared drives can be shared with a Google Group
c. A Google Group can be invited to meetings in Google Calendar
d. A Google Group can be used for discussion forums arranged by topics
e. A Google Group can have a collaborative inbox set up
3. Each Google Group has a unique e-mail address and contains -group in the username (e.g.,username-group@charlotte.edu)
4. See this FAQ to learn about logging into a Google Group
5. See this FAQ to request a Google Group