How do I take IT Security training again or review the training?


If the learner needs to register and complete the training again for the new calendar year, see the Complete IT Security Training Again section at the end of this page.  Completing the training again will update the learner’s test score and completion date. 

IT Security Training Review 

  1. Go to the Learning and Development Portal
  2. Go to your Learning Transcript
  3. Use the drop-down arrow to go to the Completed tab 
  4. Locate the IT Security Training
  5. The completed IT Security Training will appear on your screen and Curriculum Progress will show 100%
  6. Click on Open Curriculum
  7. A pop out window will appear 
  8. Click on the word Launch to take or review any of the IT Security Training modules again
  9. Click on the arrow within the module to begin or review the training
  10. Your score will not be replaced and the small green check mark will remain from your previous completion.


Complete IT Security Training Again 

  1. Go to the Learning and Development Portal
  2. Locate the Search box at the top right of the screen in the Learning & Development Portal
  3. Enter IT Security Training
  4. Click on IT Security Training after the drop-down menu appears
    select Security Awareness Training
  5. Click on Register.
    Register button
  6. A pop out window will appear
    Request button is after the You have already completed the training notice
  7. Click on the word Request to complete SAT modules again
  8.  Click on Open Curriculum, then click Launch on each training module.  As you compete each module your Curriculum Progress will increase.  100% Curriculum Progress indicates you have completed all modules. 


Once you Request the curriculum and Launch the training your previous completion (from prior year) will no longer be visible in your training transcript. 

Your score and complete date will be updated after you complete the training. 




Article ID: 1601
Wed 10/18/23 5:23 PM
Wed 9/4/24 8:45 PM