What types of Google Groups can I request?


Google Group Type Benefits How Does It Work? Limitations


  1. Can communicate to unlimited number of members
  2. Group message sending limits differ from individual limits; e.g. 1 email message to a 2000 member group counts as 1 email message
  3. Highly configurable, many options to manage group
  4. Owners manage membership
  5. Clearly identified as being an account used by multiple people
  6. Has anonymous sending option and individual sending option
  7. Visible to members in Groups option
  8. Separate web interface under the Groups option
  9. Digest and archiving available
  1. Request a Google Group
  2. Once the group has been created, login to the web interface to configure the group
  3. Once the group is configured, send emails through Gmail or the web interface
  4. Archives can be viewed through the web interface
  5. Membership is managed through the web interface
  6. Click here for more information from Google about Google Groups
  1. Can't assign and track work like Collaborative Inbox
  2. May need to contact the Office of OneIT for help with managing membership for large groups
  3. Sending limits still exist for Google Groups

Collaborative Inbox


All of the Google Groups - Normal benefits as listed above plus:

  1. The ability to assign tasks and mark tasks as complete
  2. Messages can be organized by topic
  1. Request a Google Group - Collaborative Inbox
  2. Assign members to the group
  3. Members can send and respond to the customer from a common email address
  4. Incoming messages can be assigned to group members, tracked and categorized
  5. Click here for more information about Collaborative Inbox






Article ID: 162
Tue 9/5/23 1:13 PM
Tue 1/30/24 11:57 AM