Online learning is available on demand at anytime. To search for online learning use the Browse Training button. The Browse Training displays Learner Home where you can use the search box and filters to view on-demand training options.
- Login to the Learning and Development Portal.
- On your Learner Home Page, you will see green buttons in the center of your page. Click Events Calendar button.
- Result: The Events Calendar page will be displayed. Click the arrows to the left & right of the current month to navigate to the next or previous month. Use Filters on the left to narrow your training search.
4. Hover on a training event title and event details will display.
Another option is to use the Browse Training button. Click the Browse Training button and Learner Home page will display.
- Result: The Learner Home page will be displayed. Type the name of the event in the search for learning box and press enter.
2. Result: The Learning Search page will be displayed. On the left navigation, use the various Filters to narrow your search or type in the name of the event in the search field at the top of the page, as pictured below.