How do instructors specify to use Respondus Monitor in a Canvas quiz?


  • Add information to your syllabus about using Respondus Monitor

    NOTE:  Inform your students that extra time is required to complete the Respondus Monitor setup

  • Require students to take a low-stakes practice quiz. This way, they can ensure their computers and devices are properly set up to use Respondus Monitor

    NOTE:  Respondus LockDown Browser does not work on Android, iOS, Kindle, etc.

  1. Create and publish the quiz
  2. Enable the LockDown Browser option
    1. On the course homepage, click the Settings link
      Settings from Canvas menu

    2. Select the Navigation tab
      Select Navigation tab
    3. Find the LockDown Browser option
    4. Click the Edit Course Navigation icon, it looks like 3 dots
      Select LockDown Browser
    5. Select Enable
      Click Enable
    6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
      Click Save
    7. On the left navigation bar, click the Home link to display the course home page
  3. Specify to use LockDown Browser for the quiz
    1. On the course homepage, click the LockDown Browser link
      LockDown Browser from Canvas menu
    2. Click Continue to LockDown Browser
      Click Continue to LockDown Browser
  4. Specify to use Respondus Monitor for the quiz 
    1. To use Monitor, click the down arrow to the left of the quiz name
      Click down arrow
    2. Select Settings
      Select Settings
    3. In the LockDown Browser Settings area, select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam
      Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam
    4. In the Monitor Webcam settings area, select Require Respondus Monitor for this exam
      Select Require Respondus Monitor for this exam
    5. If the About Respondus Monitor dialog box is displayed, click Continue to Respondus Monitor
      Click Continue to Respondus Monitor
  5. Select the Startup Sequence for Respondus Monitor
    1. By default, the Webcam Check is selected
    2. Select or deselect the options you want. For more information, see the Instructor Quick Start Guide
      Select options
    3. Select whether or not you want to enable screen recording. When selected, you will be able to switch between the webcam video of the student and the 
      Enable record screen

      Additional Notes:

      • Screen recording is only available for exams that use both LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor
      • Initially, only students using Windows and Mac computers are able to use screen recording. The “beta” designation will be removed when screen recording is available for Chromebooks (3-4 weeks).
      • There are currently no plans to offer screen recording for iPad users.
      • Institutions with managed devices will need to use LockDown Browser version or later. Students won’t be able to access the exam if the screen recording option is enabled but the LockDown Browser version isn’t current.
    4. When you are finished selecting options, click Save + Close
      Click Save + Close
    5. The LockDown Browser and Resondus Monitor are required for the quiz
      Confirmation settings



Article ID: 1931
Mon 10/23/23 12:04 PM
Fri 11/10/23 2:57 PM