How do I request an exception from University OneIT Guidelines for Endpoints, Systems and Applications?


All information technology resources connected to the University network are expected to comply with the above guidelines. However, it is understood that exceptions may be needed. The following process was designed to evaluate risk and inform approving authorities of risk.


  1. Requestor:  faculty or staff member who is requesting the exception.
  2. OneIT Security Team: OneIT staff charged with assessing the risk related to the request.
  3. Approving Authority: Approving authorities vary depending on request and risk. Depending on risk, approving authorities can range from a department chair, associate dean or dean or manager, director, or vice chancellor.

The Process

  1. Review the appropriate guideline. If an exception is needed, faculty and/or staff submit a ticket in the Service Catalog
  2. The OneIT Security team gets notified of your request; they will notify others as needed
  3. The Security team will review the request and consider:
    1. Compensating controls in place
    2. Impact on organizational mission
    3. Technical or operational obstacles that affect ability to comply
    4. Data classification
    5. System integration
    6. Risk
  4. Once the review is completed, the Security team member enters additional information about the request including recommended compensating controls and the overall risk assessment.
  5. When this information is added to the request, email notifications will be sent to Approving Authority and other designated personnel.
  6. The approving authority will log into the form to approve/deny.
  7. The time it takes to process exception requests varies on scope and impact. OneIT Security team will contact the Requester within 2-3 business days of submission. 

Exemptions are valid for 1 year; renewal notifications will be sent out in advance of the expiration. If the exemption request is still needed, the form will need to be completed again.



Article ID: 2093
Mon 11/6/23 9:57 AM
Tue 1/9/24 3:08 PM