What name should be listed in the "Form Approver" field on my new purchasing card eform?


  1. This field will default to the account holder’s supervisor. The supervisor can delegate this approval to someone other than the account holder to approve the eform.
  2. In most circumstances, the form approver should be the supervisor of the account holder or an individual delegated by the supervisor (not a direct report to the account holder).
  3. Enter the individual's nine-digit UNC Charlotte ID in this field.

    Banner Finance users can use form FTIIDEN to lookup an individual's UNC Charlotte ID or you may begin entering their name (Lastname, Firstname) in the form approver field and select it from the list that appears in the imaging system.

    purchasing card eform form approver section screenshot



Article ID: 2399
Fri 11/17/23 2:54 PM
Mon 12/18/23 2:35 PM