Section Proposal Workflow


Proposal Workflow

Note: the denotes a field that the approver will likely be populating, rather than simply checking.

Section Workflow Checklists

Denise (Proposed → Enrollment)

Field Recommendation
Section Title Ensure this is the same as the Course title, unless purposefully changed by PD
Transcript Title Changes the title of the section when it appears on the transcript. Ensure this is blank, unless specifically required by PD
Term Check for accuracy
Min/Max Enrollment Size Check for accuracy
Wait List Settings


  • Check Max Wait List Size for accuracy - typically set to Max Enrollment Size
  • Activate Wait List is typically set to 999 days
  • If the waitlist should function automatically, ensure setup is correct per the guide.
Online Component


Refer to Marking a Section for Canvas Use for further details on Canvas settings.

LMS Access

  • Ensure the Online Component check-box is checked if and only if the section will use Canvas
  • Do not modify LMS Section ID - the system will fill this field upon Final Approval
  • Ensure Begin LMS Access is set to 180 days
  • Check LMS Access Grace Period

Section Applicability

  • Ensure Applicability is set to Public, unless the PD requests the section to be hidden from the website (Internal)
Enrollment/Availability Dates Check for accuracy
Other Enrollment Options

Enrollment Options

  •  Check for accuracy - settings may vary depending on program
Evaluation Notes


  • Some programs will have a survey link - verify accuracy if required
Receipt Notes

Add or edit as needed

  • Ensure the correct Fee option for the section is used.
  • Ensure the correct Instruction Method is selected
  • Ensure correct Price Adjustments are selected
  • Ensure correct Service Charges are selected

Kaleena (Enrollment → Final Approval)



CEU Setup

  • If the section is asynchronous online (no set schedule), ensure the “Section Override” field is completed with proper CEUs
  • Without this information entered, CEU credits will not appear on the ROA or Transcript



Refer to Adding Instructors and Staff to Canvas Courses for further details on Instructor settings.

  • Ensure PD has added themselves as an instructor with the role "CE Staff" - there should NOT be a "Placeholder" instructor
  • Ensure PD is not marked as Public
  • Verify details of any other instructors as needed
  • The listing should appear similar to the following:


  • If and only if section does not have set meeting times (asynchronous online), ensure Distance Learning Session is checked
  • Otherwise, verify meeting Dates/Times, Recurrence, Location, Break Hours, Schedule Notes
  • Verify all other details (Type, Instructor(s), Equipment, Start/End Dates) as needed
  • Ensure Public is checked
  • Ensure correct instructor(s) selected
Section Notes Add/edit as needed

Check for accuracy

Professional Credits
  • Add/edit as needed
  • Professional credits may be listed during approval workflows, but they should NOT be listed as Public
  • If credits are marked Public during this process, pull up the credit by clicking the edit button, change Enrollment Applicability to None, click Add Association, and then click Save

Professional Credits

Prerequisites Check for accuracy
Online Resources

Add/edit as needed


Instructors for Canvas Courses

If a course uses Canvas, the instructor(s) will need to be marked as "Campus Approved" on the Course Profile once they are added to the section. Otherwise, the course may not show up in Canvas. Marketing must make this change once a new Instructor is added to an approved section of a course, or if there is an entirely new course.

Canvas Instructors

 Example - Course Profile for SIG101



Article ID: 3802
Mon 5/13/24 11:37 AM
Mon 5/27/24 10:00 AM