How do I generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)?


  1. Visit this website for help generating a CSR on various platforms.
    1.  On the website, click the appropriate operating system for your server.
    2. Look for information on the page regarding "How to Create your CSR..." - note that you may need to scroll to the top of the webpage.
  2. All certificate requests should have a private key length of 2048 bits or higher.
  3. Information needed for CSR:
    1. commonName (CN) = (FQDN server name or FQDN alias)

    2. organizationName (O) = University of North Carolina at Charlotte

    3. organizationalUnitName (OU) = (reporting department name)

    4. locality (L) = Charlotte

    5. stateOrProvinceName(ST) = North Carolina

    6. country (C) = US



Article ID: 489
Tue 9/12/23 2:28 PM
Fri 3/29/24 9:43 AM